If you’ve been reading my blog for any time now, you’re probably aware that I’m in love with legumes of all kinds. White beans, black beans, beans of all sizes, shapes, and colors. And, of course, all kinds of lentils. East Indian cuisine refers to all of these as dal, or dhal, but I am used to the word legume.
The wonderful thing about legumes is that they are terribly inexpensive. I made sure both of my daughters knew how to cook beans when they set off on their own. If you’re on a budget, it’s really good to know how to create a lovely pot of any kind of beans. Cooked beans can be dinner, lunch, or breakfast. They can be a soup, salad, entrée, dip, side dish, and much more.
Lentils are also healthy because they have protein, as well as a lot of fiber. So between that and the fact that they’re cheap, it’s a definite win-win! I actually learned everything I know about beans when times were tough. I refer to those as our “lean” years. I managed a food co-op, which also helped with the grocery bill at the time, and spent a couple of years eating beans. But I still love them!
Today I’m focusing on lentils, because they’re even easier than beans to prepare. Mostly because beans are their larger counterpart, so more cooking time is involved.
My favorite are the lentils called Le Puy, from France, that I can order online for approximately $8. – 10. per pound. But there are both Spanish and Italian lentils that look and taste the same to the Le Puy varietal. Plus I just learned but haven’t sampled a French variety called du Perry. And I’m sure lentils grow elsewhere in the world as well.
The Le Puy are my favorite because they hold their shape, and they have a real meaty taste. But there is another, more popular and available lentil, at least to Americans. They are only called lentils. No other name. I used to turn my nose at this variety and think of them as inferior, because within minutes these lentils turn to mush. But they do taste good, they’re still healthy, and sometimes you want lentil soup. In that case, these are the ones to buy. They’re also less expensive than imported lentils, at approximately $1.20 per pound bag.
The Indian orange and yellow varieties also mush up easily, which makes them wonderful for soups as well, plus dips. If you want them to hold some semblance of shape, you just have to be vigilant when cooking.
Today I’m going to show how easy it is to prepare lentils. I’m doing a side by side cook of the regular “grocery store” lentils, and Le Puy lentils. By the photos, you’ll be able to see how differently these two varieties cook up, and I’ll give some suggestions on using them.
12 ounces lentils, dry
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 small onion, finely chopped
2 cloves garlic, minced
Approximately 18 ounces of chicken broth
1/2 teaspoon salt
Freshly ground black pepper
Weigh the lentils and place them in a large bowl.
Fill the bowl with hot water to about 2″ above the top of the lentils. Set the bowl aside for one hour.
When you’re ready to continue with the recipe, heat up the olive oil in a saucepan over medium heat.
Add the onion and garlic to the saucepan and sauté them for 5 minutes.
Once one hour has passed, the lentils will have hydrated and almost reached the top of the water. Drain the lentils in a colander.
Once the onion and garlic are ready, pour in the drained lentils. Then immediately add the chicken stock.
Add the chicken stock till it hits right at the top of the lentils.
Then bring the lentils and broth to a boil, cover the saucepan and reduce the heat.
For the regular lentils, cook them 10 minutes. They will look like this when they’re done. When you give them a stir, you can see that they mush up, or disintegrate. Notice also that there’s no liquid at the bottom of the pot.
On the other hand, after 15 minutes, the Le Puy lentils have soaked up most of the liquid, and they hold their shape, even after vigorous stirring.
Remove the lentils from stove and let them cool. The regular lentils will continue to absorb liquid, but the Le Puy will not.
Because of the fact that the regular lentils disintegrate, I like to use them for soups. They can easily become a dip as well, but the dip won’t be pretty. Use your pink or yellow lentils for those dips.
Today I “souped” up the lentils by adding more chicken broth and giving them a good stir. I could have alternatively puréed the lentils in a blender for a smoother soup. Then I and added some grilled Kielbasa, or Polish sausage, and topped off the soup with a dollop of sour cream.
The lentils, of course, can be seasoned in any way you desire, and other ingredients like leeks, red bell peppers, celery, and carrots can be added to the aromatics. Thyme is really nice with lentils, as is some white pepper.
For the Le Puy lentils, I also kept them plain, but paired them for lunch with curry-seasoned chicken breast.
In fact, curry powder ingredients go really well in lentils, as do any seasonings. Case in point, this curried lentil salad.
You can even make them Southwestern as well, adding jalapenos, ancho chile powder, some chipotle peppers, and cilantro. Lentils are very versatile.
As you can see, the Le Puy lentils really hold their shape even though they’re fully cooked. That’s why they’re so perfect as a side dish like this, or on their own as an entrée.
Oh Mimi, I too love lentils, of all sorts, and I really like your sausage and lentil salad. There are many varieties other than Puy and Berry in France, there are small light brown lentils called “Lentillons de Champagne”, and lighter lentils but of the same size as Puy lentils called “lentilles blondes de Saint-Flour”, and I am sure there are many more that I’ve yet to discover.
Can I ask you why you soak your lentils? I was always told not to (and therefore never did), but I never asked myself why.
I figured there were many more varieties, and I wish I could get my hands on them!!! I never asked myself why I soak lentils first before cooking, so it’s a good question. I’ve always heard to soak beans in order to remove what supposedly causes flatulence in many people. Although I think if you eat enough beans this shouldn’t be a problem. Just a theory. In any case, I think that’s why I started doing it with lentils as well. But it works out just the same in the end. If you soak them, then cooking time is minimal. If you don’t, then you must cook them longer. I think it also stems from the days a million years ago that a lot of legumes I purchased still had dirt and rocks, and a good soak was the only way to get rid of everything. I don’t know if lentil water has any flavor, but if it does it must be very bland, so I’ve always had good luck with the soak, a good rinse and drain, and then starting with the recipe. As you know, the wonderful le puy lentils don’t lose their shape, so I’ve soaked them even up to a day, when I’ve forgotten I had, and they still cooked perfectly!!!
One of my favorite legumes also.
I, too, love legumes! Somewhere…. I have a recipe from a Libyan friend for a lentil soup – I’ve gotta find it! I am able to find red lentils at local stores. I love those ’cause they too seem to hold their shape well. Thanks for letting us know that we can order those lovely Le Puy lentils online !!
There’s nothing quite like the little variety,in my book!!!
Nice! I’ve got lentil plans this weekend!!
hahaha! lentil plans are good plans!
The ‘souped’ up version with sausage and sour cream looks wonderful. I’m also a big fan of lentils and really enjoyed this post.
Thank you!
I just had a salad at my sisters made from French lentils…and I am now on the look out for them! Your dish looks great!
They are truly wonderful!
French lentils stay in shape… French men don’t… Jesus help me! :)
hahaha! You crack me up Stephane!
I love great memories of fabulous meals, but I don’t have such detailed memories as yours!
I did everything I knew to adjust the photos in photoshop elements! Maybe they were just inferior to begin with!!!
Thank god!!! phew! I’ll check for an automatic white balance button next time I edit photos. I was so sad about these, but I really wanted the post to go out!
I found the button!!! I found the button!!! Thanks!
Thank you!
I’ve never soaked lentils either, only the bigger beans. Whatever I do unfortunately, I still find them difficult to digest. I have tried many different tricks over the years, then I learned they all contain polyols, a substance some people simply can’t process. I enjoy the memory of beautifully prepared lentil du pay.
Good to know. I’ve always wondered, and assumed that they only affected people who already didn’t eat a lot of fiber. I’ve seen some people add baking soda. Not sure if that would help.
I think I’ve tried every trick in the book. Just last week I cooked with chick peas again, I find it hard to write them off completely. I loved eating them, but was in a sorry state as a result. I have fructose malabsorption which excludes a random range of fruit, veg, grains and additives. Any food with short chain carbohydrates are an issue. As a foodie it is the most frustrating thing I have ever had to confront. Google FODMAP if you are curious.
Nice one .. I love legumes too. Just yesterday I made a beautiful salad with them. Legumes are so filling n healthy !
They are so good in salads! I also make a lentil salad with jalapenos that’s Ethiopian in origin. Fabulous!
Oooo !! Waiting for the recipe then .. :)
I’ve got this salad recipe here https://chefmimiblog.com/2014/01/31/curried-lentil-salad/
and the Ethiopian one here https://chefmimiblog.com/2013/06/25/ethiopian-lentil-salad/
Oh wow ! Awesome recipe, and love the pictures! :)
Thank you so much!!!
I can’t tell you how different they are. You just have to try them!
They’re a little more expensive, but still cost relatively nothing for the pot of lentils you get from a little pound bag!!! Do try the le Puy or something similar if you get a chance. It’s just a different animal!!!
I’d love to hear what’s in the Armenian lentils!!!
Oooh! I love lentils, Mimi! Superb :)
Aren’t they the best?!!!
Yes! Versatile, healthy, great flavour-carriers and they are cheap too! Not too mention good for carnivores and veggies alike :)
As a side dish to just about any meat, poultry, or even salmon, they’re spectacular!!!
So many times, mine are pure mush. Good to know what kind to buy.
You probably could only smash the le Puy if you stomped on them!!! But I think there’s a place for both varieties.
Thank you so much!