Golden Cauliflower and Carrot Rice

I’m pretty sure you all know that I’m not fond of food trends. I’ve probably mentioned this numerous times. So if something becomes popular and trendy, I completely ignore it.

Sure, I’m old(er) and old-fashioned, but it’s just my personality. I never wore white metallic lipstick in the 60’s, either.

The dumb thing is, sometimes when you’re too stubborn, you can really miss out. Like the bowl trend. Is there one on my blog? No! But they do look lovely.

And in the 80’s, when I really started cooking, I looked down my nose at both sun-dried tomatoes and basil pesto because they were everywhere. I have no idea how many years I lost not indulging in those two fabulous foods. I’ll never forgive myself for that.

Which leads me to… cauliflower rice. Nope.

Then, thanks to the lovely Serena from her blog, Domesticate Me, I saw a recipe that I couldn’t ignore. It was a cauliflower and carrot rice with almonds and golden raisins.

If you don’t know Serena, you must check her blog out and her just-published cookbook, The Dude Diet.

She’s a doll, she’s funny, and she swears. Oh, and she’s a professionally-trained chef. What’s not to love?!! But also, and this is important to me, if I comment, she responds to my comment.

Now this may seem a bit silly, but I will stop following blogs if the authors have no time for me. It’s not that I’m so great, it’s because the best thing about blogging in my four-plus years of doing so, is the interaction. It’s like this virtual, giant group of foodie friends that you get to know around the world.

Plus, on some of those fancy blogs, you can tell that the author responds to nobody’s comment. They’re just too important and busy. I just don’t get that.

Serena has been on her book tour around the U.S., but she is still responding to comments. And I know how much time it takes, because I follow many blogs. It’s just part of the dedication one should have to one’s blog. And Serena’s blog is also one of those fancy ones!

I promised Serena that I would make her “rice” dish because it really sounded lovely. She assured me it would not disappoint.

Golden Cauliflower and Carrot Rice
Adapted slightly from Domesticate Me!

1 medium head cauliflower, florets only, about 1 lb. 6 ounces
Baby carrots, 8 ounces
1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
2 teaspoons ground turmeric
¼ teaspoon cayenne pepper
¼ teaspoon ground cumin
Juice of 1 lemon
¾ cup chopped parsley leaves
½ cup golden raisins (I used figs)
½ cup chopped raw almonds (I used hazelnuts)
Lemon wedges for serving (optional)

Add about half of the cauliflower florets to a food processor and pulse until a “rice” forms. Place in a large bowl, then process the remaining cauliflower.

Process the carrots the same way, and add the riced carrots to the cauliflower.

Heat a large skillet over medium heat. When hot, add the cauliflower and carrot rice, turmeric, cayenne, cumin, and a good pinch of salt.

Cook for 2-3 minutes until the rice is just tender.

Turn off the heat and stir in the lemon juice.

Fold in the parsley, dried fruits, and toasted nuts. Taste, and add salt if necessary.

I served this “rice” with some grilled chicken that was marinated in a garlic-parsley marinade.

What’s really fun is changing up the dried fruits and nuts according to your taste and the season. Imagine this dish with dried cranberries and pistachios in December!

Dried figs and hazelnuts are really more autumnal, but I had them on hand and I love them.

Okay, so am I glad I finally tried cauliflower rice? Of course! But I really liked what Serena did with the dish, adding carrots, seasoning, and the fruits and nuts. I can also see this as a salad with a vinaigrette, maybe with some orzo, or barley, or just like it is.

Serena’s actual name for this dish is Cauliflower and Carrot Golden “Rice,” and she serves it in a bowl, but it’s okay, cause I like her. I put mine on a plate. Maybe I can start a plate trend?!!

About the Author: Chef Mimi

As a self-taught home cook, with many years in the culinary profession, I am passionate about all things food-related. Especially eating!


  1. Linda Duffin June 2, 2017 at 7:10 AM - Reply

    You’ve done it again! I was just talking to another friend about cauliflower rice (yes, I’m on a diet again) and there you are, writing up a delicious recipe. This sounds so much more interesting than the run-of-the-mill version, will bookmark and give it a go. Thanks, Mimi. Lx

    • chef mimi June 2, 2017 at 7:13 AM - Reply

      That’s exactly why I was so intrigued by it. I’m on day four of my diet.

      • Linda Duffin June 2, 2017 at 10:30 AM

        Day 12 for me. I’ve been quite virtuous and knocked off the hooch but fell off the wagon yesterday after a sticky and stressful day.

      • chef mimi June 2, 2017 at 11:01 AM

        Oh, there’s no wagon for me. That would be insane.

      • Linda Duffin June 2, 2017 at 11:52 AM

        *sigh* I don’t miss it most of the time.

  2. nicdasmel June 2, 2017 at 7:16 AM - Reply


  3. nicdasmel June 2, 2017 at 7:17 AM - Reply

    Check out my blog

  4. Francesca June 2, 2017 at 7:18 AM - Reply

    I am totally with you on this, especially food in bowls and things called ‘super foods’.I ignored kale for years for the same reason, now I grow it and use it, as it has lost its trendy value. That dish, plate, does look very good.

    • chef mimi June 2, 2017 at 7:21 AM - Reply

      You like my plate trend?! I still prefer spinach over kale, but I think that any raw food is a superfood, so that term has never gotten my attention. But this was a good dish, never mind the “rice” term.

      • Nadia June 2, 2017 at 7:31 AM

        Definitely prefer spinach.

  5. chezlerevefrancais June 2, 2017 at 7:22 AM - Reply

    I’m a cauliflower rice virgin too! However, this looks very much like a cous cous dish and my husband won’t entertain it but he loves cauliflower and carrots……sounds like a cunning plan for me! I know what you mean about blogging – some blogging ladies on one of my expat groups keep moaning that no one comments on their blogs but they don’t follow others. It is a social thing and a support issue but it works both ways and whilst we are all really busy it’s important to comment as much as you can.

    • chef mimi June 2, 2017 at 8:22 AM - Reply

      I agree. Everyone is busy to some extent, but if they don’t understand the importance and significance of the back and forth that blogging offers, then they’re not going to have much fun with blogging! I love commenting. Especially on blogs with 62 followers, because I remember those days!

      • chezlerevefrancais June 3, 2017 at 8:47 AM

        I remember you being one of my followers in the beginning Mimi. You’re right, it does keep you going to know that someone is taking the time to look. It’s amazing how much you learn too.

      • chef mimi June 3, 2017 at 8:50 AM

        Absolutely! No one can know everything. I especially being introduced to foods from around the world. I follow many international blogs. Love them!!!

      • chezlerevefrancais June 4, 2017 at 9:48 AM

        And now we have friends everywhere!

  6. Nadia June 2, 2017 at 7:30 AM - Reply

    I must admit that I have not got into the whole cauliflower rice thing. I love cauliflower but just do not quite get the appeal as “rice”.
    Maybe I will try your recipe and finally have that ahah moment.

    • chef mimi June 2, 2017 at 8:10 AM - Reply

      It was explained to me that it’s from a diet, where no carbs are allowed, so the cauliflower is riced, and the person eating thinks he/she is eating rice, when it’s a vegetable.

  7. sallybr June 2, 2017 at 7:32 AM - Reply

    I know what you mean. I have a problem with “healthy” food, and “superfoods” and “detox.” But food trends I don’t mind if they seem tasty and look good. I haven’t done a food bowl or a sheet pan dinner, but might try at some point.

    agree on the comments – I don’t go as far as stopping to read a blog, but I often wonder why not just disable the comments if they will be completely ignored? To me, replyling to a comment is PART of having a blog. The interaction with the readers keeps me motivated

    I consider myself a pretty busy person – but time is flexible. We can find time for things that matter, in my opinion… ;-)

    • chef mimi June 2, 2017 at 8:13 AM - Reply

      Bowls are for soups and stews. A sheet pan?!!!! It’s a baking dish that’s not as deep!!! Yes, you are busy, and of last note, i follow 123 blogs, but I’m retired. Still takes up time, but it’s the part I enjoy. As I mentioned, I think it’s the part none of us expected, but truly enjoy!

  8. Kiki June 2, 2017 at 8:04 AM - Reply

    Looks very delicious, I’ve only recently made cauliflower rice for the first time, because I’m a refuser of hype-following, like you :-) . I riced it with a grater, though, which was nuts as it took really long.
    I also totally agree re: bowls – they always look great, but my thinking so far is: why do I have to arrange it all in a bowl when I’ll be mixing it all up to eat it anyway? We’ll see how long I last before I make one… Until then, I’ll follow your plate trend!
    Lastly, I’m not one for leaving long comments, but I prefer them to the hundreds of generic “yum”, “wow” and “delicious” one word comments. I have recently left a question on a professional photographer’s blog who actually asked people to please send their questions through the comments field but no one ever got a reply, until I send an e-mail saying I’m sure she was busy but it would be interesting if we got answers after being encouraged to ask. The reply was quite catty.

    • chef mimi June 2, 2017 at 8:16 AM - Reply

      Hahaha. Thanks for following my plate trend! Such a novel idea! Sometimes I don’t have much to say. I don’t really click on desserts, so I bypass those. And sometimes the food looks horrible, but I want to be encouraging. So there are so many reasons to leave some comment to get some interaction going. I feel like I know so many people around the world! Too bad about the fake photographer’s blog. She must be insecure and threatened about everyone else’s talents.

  9. Jeff the Chef June 2, 2017 at 8:04 AM - Reply

    Wow, gorgeous photographs! And my vote is with the figs over the raisins any day.

    • chef mimi June 2, 2017 at 8:17 AM - Reply

      Thanks! It’s a great dish, and I really love dried figs!

  10. Jerri Parrish June 2, 2017 at 8:46 AM - Reply

    Hi Mimi, I am not a foodie or a cook, but I love your recipes and your blogs


    • chef mimi June 2, 2017 at 8:47 AM - Reply

      You are so sweet! Thank you. I always envied your kitchen!

  11. Elaine @ foodbod June 2, 2017 at 8:56 AM - Reply

    So much to say!!!!!
    The whole food fad thing drives me crazy, but, if it wasn’t for what I see on Instagram or read on blogs, maybe I would miss a chance to try something different? I eat a lot of cauliflower because I love it, but it’s still interesting to see what everyone is doing with it. Some of it does get too much though. Having said that, your cauliflower rice looks very tasty 😊
    And I do eat everything out of bowls, just because I love bowls, and I have lots of beautiful bowls!! I have beautiful plates too, but I just prefer bowls. And spoons! A bowl and a spoon and I’m happy!!
    And as far as commenting is concerned…I completely agree with you; when I started my blog I had no idea about the wonderful interaction that would be a part of it. When someone first commented on my blog I was so chuffed, and there was no way I wouldn’t answer! If someone has taken the time to comment, it’s only polite to respond; and why wouldn’t you? If you’ve got time to blog, you’ve got time to reply as far as I’m concerned!

  12. chef mimi June 2, 2017 at 9:54 AM - Reply

    I love bowls! I just think “bowls” are odd. They’re certainly pretty – just composed salads and meals, really. I pretty much have a salad every day, and I use a large bowl. Just so it’s not messy. I guess some of the bowl photos, although stunningly beautiful, are unrealistic, because no one could ever stick a fork in one without everything spilling!!! I did admit I’ve missed out on food trends. I wish I wasn’t so darn stubborn. But calling something a bowl, instead of what kind of meal it is, is just funny to me!!

    • Elaine @ foodbod June 2, 2017 at 11:04 AM - Reply

      I agree! All those perfectly beautified bowls look like they’re more about the photo than the meal. I didn’t even know what a ‘bhudda bowl’ was!!

      • chef mimi June 2, 2017 at 11:15 AM

        Hmmm, well I still don’t! I think here in the US the first bowls “might” have been from a fast food place called Chipotle. And yes, they’re about the photos, although I understand that.

  13. Gerlinde June 2, 2017 at 10:31 AM - Reply

    Mimi, I agree with you entirely, your views about food trends and commenting reflects my opinions . I consider you my blogging friend. My blogger friends keep me motivated to continue with my own blog. The rice dish looks fantastic and if I had some cauliflower up here in my cabin I would make it tonight. Have a great weekend and I will visit Serena’s blg.

    • chef mimi June 2, 2017 at 11:01 AM - Reply

      Oh do visit her. She’s truly hysterical.

  14. chef mimi June 2, 2017 at 1:18 PM - Reply

    It’s cauliflower and carrots! What’s not to love?!!

  15. ladyredspecs June 2, 2017 at 9:59 PM - Reply

    I’ve never tried cauliflower-rice either, but your photos look very enticing, maybe I’ll relent. I agree totally with you about commenting on blog posts and replying. Valuable interaction with like minded people is on of the little spoken of benefits of blogging. I’ve learned so much from other bloggers and I value their input. Yes, start a plate trend…

    • chef mimi June 2, 2017 at 10:09 PM - Reply

      Hahahaha! Let’s hear it for plates! Well, it’s calling it rice that bugs me, however, the recipe is fabulous! I can’t believe people seriously psychologically think they’re eating rice instead of vegetables… and somehow that’s better, but oh well!

  16. Cocoa & Lavender June 3, 2017 at 12:35 AM - Reply

    As you know from a recent post of mine, food trends drive me crazy, too! However, I would have been attracted to this recipe, as well. And I have to get this cookbook for my friend, Patrick, who loves to cook. His wife Jennifer and I always call him “dude”.

    • chef mimi June 3, 2017 at 7:48 AM - Reply

      Oh that’s funny. He’d love it! I still don’t get why it has to be called a rice, but it’s a wonderful side dish, and I love what Serena added to it.

  17. Lisa @ cheergerm June 3, 2017 at 2:11 AM - Reply

    Now there’s a novel idea, food on a plate!! 😂 I do love cauliflower no matter how trendy it is or isn’t.

    • chef mimi June 3, 2017 at 9:48 PM - Reply

      Thank you for appreciating my plate trend! Exactly. Cauliflower is good, however, it’s prepared!

  18. gypsygurl64 June 3, 2017 at 7:32 AM - Reply

    I love all your recipes and especially your photography! Thank you for not being stuck up and ignoring all our comments! ;)

    • chef mimi June 3, 2017 at 7:49 AM - Reply

      You are so welcome! Thank you. For the lovely comment.

  19. I love this Mimi! I’m SOOOOOO tired of food trends! It seems like everyone is trying to out everyone else with the next greatest “unicorn” or “mermaid” food. But I AM with you about cauliflower! I don’t that it’s going anywhere, and that’s a good thing!

    • chef mimi June 3, 2017 at 12:47 PM - Reply

      Maybe if I had young kids I’d do a unicorn thing…. But cauliflower is here to stay, no matter what you do with it!

  20. chef mimi June 3, 2017 at 12:46 PM - Reply

    Quinoa’s not that great. It’s just trendy. Like kale. Spinach is so much less tender. Cauliflower is definitely good, no matter how it’s cooked like you said!!!

    • Sorry to butt in on this conversation but, oh my, some others who share my thoughts on quinoa. I thought I was the only person who wasn’t crazy about quinoa in the entire blogosphere. It is totally boring. Give me brown rice or cauliflower any day.

  21. Karen June 3, 2017 at 3:47 PM - Reply

    I can see why you were tempted to make this dish…now it will be mine turn to give it a try. It looks and sounds terrific.

  22. chefkreso June 3, 2017 at 4:13 PM - Reply

    This dish looks so flavourful, love the seasoning :D

  23. Laura @ Feast Wisely June 3, 2017 at 5:52 PM - Reply

    Gorgeous photos Chef Mimi – love that it’s packed with turmeric too 😄

    • chef mimi June 3, 2017 at 9:47 PM - Reply

      Such a great flavor and color! I know it’s supposed to have health benefits, but I’ve always wondered how much one would have to eat for those benefits?!!

  24. Kathryn Grace June 4, 2017 at 3:04 AM - Reply

    Well, perhaps we are kindred spirits, because I avoid trends too, and bowls are one of them. Maybe if I had the right bowl–wide, shallow, more like a cupped plate. But that’s beside the point. Yum! This recipe looks delicious, and I love how you suggested changing it up with seasonal fruits and nuts.

    • chef mimi June 4, 2017 at 6:27 AM - Reply

      I love large salads, so I finally located bowls to purchase, exactly how you described them, wooden, so that I could serve salads to people who also love large salads, without serving them in Tupperware bowls. I call these salads, not bowls. No matter how composed they are. Salads!

  25. StefanGourmet June 4, 2017 at 6:15 AM - Reply

    Love the plate trend!
    I’ve missed out on stuff because they were too trendy, too. Like Harry Potter.

    • chef mimi June 4, 2017 at 6:25 AM - Reply

      Dank je. Who’s he?!!

      • StefanGourmet June 4, 2017 at 6:29 AM

        Harry Potter is the main character of a series of books by J.K. Rowling.

      • chef mimi June 4, 2017 at 6:39 AM

        No, Stefan, I was kidding. I’m familiar, but totally ignored the books and movies. Might have been partially to do with my age, and my kids weren’t interested, either.

      • StefanGourmet June 4, 2017 at 6:46 AM

        First I ignored the books, too. Then I thought I should try it, and looked for it at the English language bookstore in Amsterdam (not wanting to read a Dutch translation). I couldn’t find it at the fantasy department, and then was directed to the children’s books. So I left without buying. Then years later I picked up an Italian translation of the first book, thinking it would be a good idea to read a children’s book as my first Italian book. Boy was I wrong — the vocabulary is extensive without counting all the invented words. Then a couple of years (and quite some Italian books) later, I picked up the Italian book #1 again and did in fact like it. I finished the whole series in Italian. I don’t care as much about the movies.

      • chef mimi June 4, 2017 at 7:28 AM

        Your language skills are pretty incredible Stefan. I can barely order in French, having forgotten most of what was my first language. Harry Potter would be tough books to read with the invented vocabulary words – I hadn’t thought of that! I’m sure the books are good, or Rowling wouldn’t be so popular, and wealthy. But I’m definitely not into wizardry or sci-fi, personally. Actually I love seeing all of the different languages on blogs, as well as on Facebook. That helps me with French a bit, but I’m in awe of how people like you can read, write, and speak in multiple languages.

      • StefanGourmet June 4, 2017 at 7:33 AM

        Thanks, Mimi. It’s all about practice, and in Oklahoma there is probably just English around you.

      • chef mimi June 4, 2017 at 7:34 AM

        OMG yes. Plus some really bad English, which is a language all its own!

  26. Gluten Free A-Z June 4, 2017 at 9:55 AM - Reply

    Cauliflower rice is my new GO-TO – I’ve been using in everything. I love that it is low carb and healthy. Thanks for this interesting recipe.

    • chef mimi June 4, 2017 at 10:59 AM - Reply

      You are so welcome! You can thank Serena, too!

  27. Sofia June 4, 2017 at 2:04 PM - Reply

    I’m not usually into fancy food trends, nor will I ever wear white metallic lipstick (I believe that would never suit my coloring)… Maybe its because of the Indonesian part of me that loves rice, but I had never warmed up to cauliflower rice. Though if you’ve given a go -and I admire your cooking- maybe I should be less stubborn and give it a go too :) And as you say, with cranberries and pistachos in winter I’m sure it would go so well! xx

    • chef mimi June 4, 2017 at 2:15 PM - Reply

      people just need to stop calling it rice!!! This is a great dish – of vegetables!

      • Sofia June 4, 2017 at 2:16 PM

        That’s what I think!!!

  28. Frank Fariello June 4, 2017 at 3:34 PM - Reply

    I’m with you. I’m allergic to food fashion. If something’s trending I usually run in the opposite direction… but, again like you, I’ve made an exception for cauliflower rice. I’ve made it various ways and have always enjoyed it. But then, I liked cauliflower before it was trendy… ;-)

    • chef mimi June 4, 2017 at 5:52 PM - Reply

      Cauliflower shouldn’t be any more trendy than kale. And how small you make the bits shouldn’t affect its trendiness either!! But this was a good dish. I liked cauliflower back when it was a vegetable!

  29. Culinary Flavors June 5, 2017 at 4:55 AM - Reply

    This rice looks absolutely delicious and yes I am one of those who do not respond to comments on their blog, but I do visit the blogs of each and everyone who has left a comment and return the favor by commenting too! I think there are many ways to show respect and gratitude!

    • chef mimi June 5, 2017 at 6:37 AM - Reply

      Yes, I agree, and that’s exactly the interaction to which I was referring!

  30. SavoringTime IntheKitchen June 5, 2017 at 7:57 AM - Reply

    I also hate food fads and also cooking gadget fads. Still haven’t bought a spiralizer :) However, one thing I do love is cauliflower and most cruciferous veggies. And though I haven’t tried cauliflower ‘rice’ yet I love the added carrots in this recipe. This recipe is will be the one to try!

    • chef mimi June 5, 2017 at 9:08 AM - Reply

      It’s just cauliflower. No need to call it rice. It’s supposed to be some time of psychological thing but it annoys me.

  31. myhomefoodthatsamore June 5, 2017 at 9:55 AM - Reply

    I am a lover of all things vegetable: and though I am an omnivore, in a way I am a vegetarian who also eats meat and fish. I can’t have a meal without at least two vegetable side dishes. That said, cauliflower has always been the least favourite of vegetables for me. So, when someone got me onto the whole “cauliflower rice” trend (like so many on this thread, I too find trends highly irritating) I gave it a try. And still don’t love it, I have to be honest. Maybe it’s the quality of cauliflower here in Italy? who knows? But my eyes did a doubled-dance of delight when I saw your recipe today, Mimi. It looks so beautiful and enticing, so will give it a go when cauliflowers are back in season. Regarding the blogging meme … I have always thought your blog was most ‘fancy’, your photos great, and the way you describe the recipe very easy to follow. So please accept my compliments. One of your followers wrote: “Lastly, I’m not one for leaving long comments, but I prefer them to the hundreds of generic “yum”, “wow” and “delicious” one word comments.” I am afraid that because I really am in a hurry most of the time, the one-word comment or hitting the like button is the most I can do. It’s my way of signalling appreciation. I think that hitting the ‘like’ button is a nice gesture too. Anyway, I’ll do my best to be more interactive with your blog … your recipes and stories are definitely worth a weekly visit! :) Thank you so much!

    • chef mimi June 5, 2017 at 11:54 AM - Reply

      No worries. I often have only Wow to say! That was someone else’s opinion. I think just stopping by and hitting the like button is interaction enough. And thank you for the compliment, but I’m not one of the fancy blogs I’m referring to!!!

  32. I am with you Mimi, why do those blogs have a space for comments if they don’t read them and respond? This was a recipe on my list to try as well, I love your adaptation.

    • chef mimi June 6, 2017 at 9:22 AM - Reply

      I don’t know. Maybe these bloggers got too big too fast and they missed out on the fun part, and only concentrated on how many ads popped up and how many sponsors they got.

  33. chef mimi June 6, 2017 at 9:25 AM - Reply

    Thank you. I think you’re right – there is something about manners to the whole blog interaction thing. I enjoy blogs by chefs just as much as blogs by novice cooks – it’s all fascinating and educational. Plus it’s so fun to follow people’s blogs from around the world! The whole rice thing is silly. The only good thing about processing the cauliflower and carrots to a “rice” is that it takes little time to cook. But if I want rice, I’m going to cook rice! But this is a fabulous recipe, rice or not! You’ll enjoy Serena.

  34. Conor Bofin June 6, 2017 at 12:21 PM - Reply

    What glorious colours Mimi. Love it!

  35. Mary Frances June 6, 2017 at 3:22 PM - Reply

    I agree with you on the commenting aspect, that’s how I’ve made so many great friends! Loving this recpe, thank you for sharing :)

  36. This rice is beautiful and looks so yummy! I love the mix of sweet and savory and the crunch of the nuts!! I’ll take two servings please ;-) . Take care.

    • chef mimi June 7, 2017 at 7:09 AM - Reply

      Yes, it was delicious and had a fabulous texture as well!

  37. Healthy World Cuisine June 6, 2017 at 8:47 PM - Reply

    We hear you on health fads. We eat things because we enjoy their taste or are in season. We have always enjoyed cauliflower and actually eat Turmeric vegetables every morning instead of a traditional breakfast. Love the sweetness of the figs and the crunch of the macadamia nuts. FAB side or main dish. Maybe even for breakfast… lol

    • chef mimi June 7, 2017 at 7:11 AM - Reply

      I would have had it for breakfast if it hadn’t disappeared it when I served it to friends! Have you posted on what you eat for breakfast? That’s fascinating!

  38. serenagwolf June 7, 2017 at 5:00 PM - Reply

    I’m late! I’m late to join the comment party on this wonderful thread!! But better late than never, right? I love, love, LOVE this post, and I have a few things to say about it:
    1. Thank you for your incredibly kind words about me/Domesticate ME!/The Dude Diet. As you know, I live for compliments, and you just made my whole week (month? year?)!
    2. I so appreciate your fabulous internet friendship I’ve said before, and I’ll say it again, I love connecting with people online (and in person), and the best part about the blogging platform is that it gives us a chance to do just that with so many more fabulous humans than we’d ordinarily have access to. Thank you for being such a devoted commenter on my (and so many other blogs)–they brighten my inbox and my day.
    3. HOORAY for this recipe hauling you onto the cauliflower rice bandwagon. (I’m so honored to have brought you aboard.) The figs and hazelnuts were genius swaps, and you may have just convinced me that plates are the new bowls…
    Sending so much love your way! xx Serena

    • chef mimi June 7, 2017 at 5:11 PM - Reply

      Hahahaha! I’m glad you like my plate idea! Continued good luck with your book tour and all your ventures. Hopefully you’ve gotten a few more fans from my post. Not that you need them. The rice really was excellent!

  39. dimplescookbook June 11, 2017 at 1:05 PM - Reply

    Love this recipe. It looks amazing Mimi.

  40. Judee August 21, 2022 at 7:29 PM - Reply

    Wow I can see why you were attracted to this recipe. It sounds fabulous with the nuts, raisins, and carrots. I do love cauliflower rice . You’ve also enticed me to check out Serena’s blog.

    • Chef Mimi August 22, 2022 at 7:11 AM - Reply

      It’s a great blog. And this is a wonderful recipe, in spite of the fact that I was originally ignoring all things cauliflower rice when it was trendy!!!

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