Fruit and Chocolate

I have a thing for the combination of dried fruits and chocolate, like dried apricots dipped in chocolate. Every holiday season I plan on dipping some variety of dried fruit or candied fruit in chocolate, but I know, in the end, I will be the only one who eats them.

photo from Windy City Sweets

Then I came across a recipe that combines chocolate and dried fruit – figs, to be specific – with nuts thrown in. And these bars seemed like something everyone would love.

The original recipe is in the book shown below, and it combines bittersweet chocolate, milk chocolate, macadamia nuts, and figs. Doesn’t that sound spectacular? I made the switch to hazelnuts just because I happen to have a lot left over from the holidays; plus they’re my favorite nut.


I typically would have added different fruits to the mixture as well, but I held back, limiting it to the nuts and figs like in the actual recipe.

This batch was made last week, and what my husband didn’t eat went into a freezer bag. Maybe I’ll pull them out on Valentine’s Day. But what is funny, is that he wouldn’t eat a chocolate-dipped fig, yet he gobbled up these bars.

And that’s life cooking for people, isn’t it?!!

So here’s the recipe as printed in the cookbook.


No-Bake Chocolate, Macadamia and Fig Slices

100 grams/6 1/2 tablespoons butter
2 tablespoons clear honey
300 grams/10 ounces dark/bittersweet chocolate
100 grams/3 1/2 ounces milk chocolate
6 digestive or other sweetmeal biscuits/graham crackers
100 grams/2/3 cup shelled macadamia nuts
100 grams/2/3 cup ready-to-eat dried figs, chopped

Place the butter and chocolates in a double boiler and slowly begin melting the chocolate. I omitted the honey.

Meanwhile, grind the graham crackers, or whatever biscuit/cookie you’re using, in a food processor until smooth.

Measure out the hazelnuts, or whatever nut you’re using, as well as the figs. Add them to the graham crackers.

By now the chocolate should have begun melting. You want to be patient and wait until it’s smooth and shiny.

Mix together the chocolate and the goodies, then immediately spread into a foil-lined baking dish. The recipe suggested a 7″ square pan, I used a 5″ x 9″ rectangular pan. No greasing of the foil is necessary.


Let the mixture cool, then cover the pan tightly and refrigerate for a few hours.

To serve, slice in the shape of biscotti, and top with a light dusting of cocoa.

As you can imagine, these are a wonderful chocolatey treat. I like their rustic appearance as well.

I enjoyed one with an afternoon coffee, though it was hard limiting myself to one.


I wasn’t kidding when I said my husband finished off all of the bars that didn’t fit into the freezer bag, which I think totaled six. Well, he’s not on a diet.

verdict: These are fabulous. I’m really glad I omitted the honey. My only complaint is that these could be heavier on the dried fruit and nuts. Next time I’ll include dried cherries and apricots.

By Published On: February 12th, 201524 Comments on Fruit and Chocolate

About the Author: Chef Mimi

As a self-taught home cook, with many years in the culinary profession, I am passionate about all things food-related. Especially eating!


  1. Shanna Koenigsdorf Ward February 12, 2015 at 1:16 PM - Reply

    Mimi! Figs are my fave… Especially with chocolate in sweet dishes! Looks great and not too hard…. Will try :-)

    • chef mimi February 12, 2015 at 1:56 PM - Reply

      Definitely easy, plus you can play with the recipe ingredients.

  2. chef mimi February 12, 2015 at 1:55 PM - Reply


  3. Charlotte February 12, 2015 at 3:28 PM - Reply

    lovely recipe Mimi! The cocoa dusting make the difference in terms of how they look!

  4. nowathome February 12, 2015 at 11:08 PM - Reply

    That’s my kind of treat! Yummy!

    • chef mimi February 13, 2015 at 7:39 PM - Reply

      Thank you! You can’t lose with chocolate, nuts, and dried fruit!

  5. DellaCucinaPovera February 13, 2015 at 1:24 AM - Reply

    That chocolate (and your tea set!) look divine.

    • chef mimi February 13, 2015 at 7:38 PM - Reply

      Thank you! My mother just gave it to me. I typically do’t use it, but these bars were perfect for tea, or coffee!

  6. spiceinthecity February 13, 2015 at 1:32 PM - Reply

    Those bars are just beautiful! I love the combination of fruits, nuts & chocolate too! Amazing!!

  7. chef mimi February 13, 2015 at 7:38 PM - Reply


  8. milkandbun February 14, 2015 at 1:43 PM - Reply

    Oh my Gosh! That’s treat for real chocolate-lovers! :D

  9. eliotthecat February 14, 2015 at 5:13 PM - Reply

    Perfect no-bake tea or coffee accompaniment!

    • chef mimi February 15, 2015 at 10:39 AM - Reply

      Definitely. I prefer coffee myself!!!

  10. Choc Chip Uru February 14, 2015 at 10:09 PM - Reply

    Chocolate and fruit and are made for each other :)

    Choc Chip Uru

  11. chef mimi February 15, 2015 at 10:38 AM - Reply

    Absolutely! The hazelnuts worked well, too! Actually, any combination would be good!

  12. dianeskitchentable February 15, 2015 at 3:25 PM - Reply

    I’m thinking the same thing would happen here – there is no way my husband would ever put a piece of dried fruit, even dipped in chocolate in his mouth. Possibly that’s a guy thing, but I’m not sure. Maybe we should do some kind of test on that. But putting it in a bar is perfect & it’s reminding of something from very long ago that I can’t quite put my finger on. Maybe something my grandmother made. I love your china set – very elegant & perfect for this.

  13. chef mimi February 18, 2015 at 6:14 PM - Reply

    Thank you so much!

  14. love in the kitchen February 20, 2015 at 3:31 PM - Reply

    Love the sound of these Mimi. Very elegant.

    • chef mimi February 22, 2015 at 11:45 AM - Reply

      Thanks so much! If you love chocolate and dried fruits…

Leave a Reply. I love 'em!